Identify A Problem To Address
This part is self-explanatory. The first step is to find a problem or issue that you want to address. However make sure that you are not addressing any traumas or extremely intense issues by yourself; always do those with a trained professional. For things such as stress release, anger, irritation, negative thoughts, even feeling anxious, you can use EFT on these things.
Once you have found an issue to address such as I am embarrassed that my boss yelled at me today. You can think to yourself or write out on a piece of paper, how do you know you are embarrassed? That question will help bring up the emotional drivers that support the problem. After you find elicit the negative feelings associated with the event, notice where you feel it in your body. Notice on a scale of 0 to 10 of how strongly you feel this issue also known as the SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale).
Set-Up Phrase
Once you have the emotional drivers, you can start to tap the karate chop point with 4 fingers using the opposite hand and create a simple phrase related to the problem. For instance when you start tapping on the karate chop point, you can say “even though I was embarrassed that my boss yelled at me today (you can also add some of the answers that came up when you wrote out how do you know) I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Repeat the setup phrase 3 times.

Reminder Phrase and Start Tapping

The reminder phrase is basically just the words you say when tapping. The important part of the reminder phrase is just say how you really feel about the event that happened. One suggestion is to use a different sentence for each tapping point and use two fingers to tap on each point. The words you use don’t really matter as long as you are stating how you really feel about the event. What this does is it bring the negative feelings you want to clear to the surface so that you can clear it.
Once you have finished tapping each point, take a deep breath and breath it all out. Then check back in with the issue to see if it has changed. If it has changed, noticed what has changed and notice what remains of the problem. Once you have identified what remains, notice where you feel it in your body. After you find it in your body, start the tapping process all over again. Repeat until the issue is at a zero on the SUDS.